Google Changes the Rules

Google Changes the Rules in Order to Get High Search Rankings!

For years now we have been encouraging our clients to use a tactic of writing informative articles about their product or service and posting them on other sites as well as their own.  This has always been a way of taking advantage of one of many criteria that Google and the other search engines use to rank your website when someone does a search.  Nothing, however, lasts forever and things in the Internet world change almost daily.  Google has now slapped heavy penalties on many of the sites that used to accept articles for this purpose.

Good Content Still Works
Writing good articles that are pertinent to your business and informative for your potential clients is still a very good way to get credit and higher rankings with the search engines.  We still highly suggest that you do this.  But now we think it may be better to use these articles on your own website or as a guest post on another relevant blog or website.  There are still some sites that accept open contributions and are not being slapped by Google.  We will be researching these and pass along this information in the future.

The search engines use many factors to determine the relevance of your website when comparing the searches that others are doing.  Now social media is becoming one of those factors.  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the new Google Plus and Google Plus One will be playing bigger and bigger rolls in the new formulas that place you higher on the search pages.  If you want to continue using your website as an active marketing tool, it is going to require work on your part.  In the good old days that work may have included networking personally with potential customers at parties, trade shows and seminars.  Now it will require you to do the same thing only without having to spend a ton of money on air fare, hotels, food and nice clothes.

Social media is all about networking with others and getting reference through the web.  This will require time on your part.  But again, think about how much time you would spend having to travel to a network location.  On top of that, if worked correctly, the results can be a hundred times more effective.

The keys then to successfully promoting your website are:

* Still provide good products or services that people will rant and rave about on Social Networks and in the real world.
* Hobnob with people on the Internet (like forums), answering questions and providing good useful information.
* Offer useful information on your website (with relevant articles).
* Post useful and informative videos on YouTube with links back to your website.
* Toot your own horn on Social Networks and ask others to toot your horn for you by having them send people to your site via links and recommendation voting (such as “like” or “plus 1”).

Yes, Internet marketing is getting more complicated, but also more efficient and effective.  Castlewood Studios is always looking for ways to help our clients not only stay abreast of these new developments, but also to stay ahead of the competition.

Also see these related articles to help you create better video for websites:

Using Music to Create Emotion in Video Commercial Advertisement

Embedding a Video for Website Marketing part 1 of 2 (using YouTube)