Take Your Business To The Next Level With Castlewood Studios’ Internet Marketing and Social Media Services!
We’re convinced a Castlewood website is the most cost-effective way you can market your business online, but we’ve also seen enough over the years to convince us that, when done properly, Internet advertising and social media can be the second-best way to increase your business and drive sales – especially when you compare the costs to traditional advertising channels like print, radio, and TV.
The problem is, setting up and maintaining even one of these accounts can be confusing, time-consuming work. Knowing what websites to market on, and how to use them takes time and effort, as does creating professional content like text, graphics, and videos. Can your team set up and maintain multiple social media and online advertising accounts? Can your team remain productive and avoid personal distractions while on Facebook? Our team has been doing it for years, and can provide you with these services economically.
Don’t Waste Money Advertising The Wrong Way, Get Results With Castlewood

Not long ago, we helped one client begin advertising online with Facebook. Within two weeks, we’d helped them generate over $16,000.00 worth of revenue.
Another client was amazed when we helped them earn several thousand dollars in a matter of weeks advertising on Facebook and Adwords.
Another client, just starting out, wanted help attracting visitors to their website. So, using social media and Google Adwords, we sent over 800 people to their eCommerce store in just under two weeks.
We can’t promise everyone will have such positive results, and all the advertising in the world won’t sell a product or service nobody wants to buy. That is exactly what we tell each client before we start helping them advertise. Fortunately, people actually wanted what the above clients were offering- they just didn’t know it until they saw our ads online!
Maybe your business or product would be just as popular if the right people knew about it. Why not be our next success story?
Make Your Online Advertising Cheaper and Easier With Our Experience

Most busy business people today don’t think they have time to advertise online. Sadly, most of them are probably right. After all, online marketing requires learning an entirely new set of skills, skills some may have a hard time learning, or be uncomfortable with.
Creating social media accounts and staying on top of the technology that powers them, writing and designing ads and producing content, and applying scientific principles to ad designs and campaign management practices all require an investment in time and knowledge to complete effectively. Without taking these critical factors seriously, it can be difficult bordering on impossible for many businesses to see positive results from their online marketing efforts.
Why not let the professionals at Castlewood take the difficulty and confusion off your shoulders? We have the tools, the training, the know-how and experience to market online for you quickly and efficiently, and we love helping our clients get the biggest bang for each advertising buck spent.
Stop losing out! Call us today at 417-532-2329 and start reaping the rewards of online advertising.
Using The Right Tools and People Can Boost Your Advertising’s Effectiveness

So how does advertising your business with Castlewood actually work?
Online advertising is complex, but we try to keep it as simple as possible. Start by telling us what you’re marketing and how much you want to spend on advertising. We’ll help you decide which social media sites and/or advertising platforms will work best for your unique situation, then create a plan custom tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.
That plan will include creating or connecting to your company’s social media and advertising accounts, designing and running your ads online, regularly monitoring their performance, keeping an eye out for trends that emerge from the data, and using scientific analysis to identify possible improvements and adjustments. This makes it easier for you to recognize and take advantage of what works, and to identify what isn’t working, in the most cost-effective way possible.
Ready to get people excited about your product or service? Then call Castlewood today!
Just Some Of The Accounts We Can Help Your Business With:

Google AdWords
Google’s advertising platform is extremely powerful, and can be a great way for your business to appear at or near the top of the search results. You only pay when people click your ads, and you have complete control over how much you spend, making it a great way to put your business front-and-center.
Virtually everyone, from CNN to Fox News and more, use Google Adwords to help drive traffic to their websites. The catch is, setting up and managing AdWords can be time-consuming, complicated, and confusing. Castlewood has been running Google Ads for scores of our clients for years; let us take the pain and confusion out of the process and put Google’s Ads to work for you!
Setup is simple; We charge you a one-time fee of $90 to create your account, set locations, keywords, and manage all the other details. Your credit card goes on file so Google can receive payment. After this, we’ll charge you nothing else to maintain your campaign*.
Each week we’ll create/adjust your ad variants, optimize keywords, and make tweaks to help drive more traffic to your site as affordably as possible. You’ll also get an email explaining how your ad dollars were spent and how many visits to your website they bought. If you’d like to know more about our Google Ads services, please Contact Us.
*There is a small fee to create additional campaigns

You already know what Facebook is. But did you know that advertising on Facebook can be a cost-effective ways to drive sales and visitors to your site?
Having us set up your advertising with Facebook is similar to Adwords. We charge $90 to create the account and ads, walk you through determining a budget, the keywords you’ll bid on, etc. You only get charged when someone clicks one of your ads, your ads will stop running once you reach your maximum daily spend, and the money you’re charged goes directly to Facebook. We’ll still create two competing ads for each campaign, as well as monitor keywords and campaign performance and update you weekly.
The major difference between Google Adwords and Facebook is the market. While Adwords is great for targeting people in the process of researching or buying products and services, Facebook tends toward more casual and less-focused users who tend to make impulse decisions. Facebook advertising isn’t for every product or service, but it can be a highly-effective way to advertise for some.

Mailchimp allows your website’s visitors to add themselves to a list, and makes it easy to send just one email to everyone on that list. This makes informing them of new products, special sales, and more fast and easy. Many businesses take advantage of this powerful yet flexible service to keep their customers up-to-date on important information. We can help you do the same!
For a one-time $75 fee, we will set up a Mailchimp account for your business and create, embed, and test a signup form on your website to collect new emails. After that we charge our standard $60/hr rate to create and send your campaigns. Thanks to our years of experience at this, it takes us on average just a few minutes to get everything done, and those few minutes are all we’ll charge you for. Or, if you have the spare time and inclination to learn, we’ll turn the account over to you and only be involved when you need our help.
We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please call or contact Castlewood for more information on how we can help you advertise your business.